"Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?" John 8:10b

The story of the woman caught in the act of adultery is one of my favourite stories in the new testament (read the full story in John 8: 3-11).
I am always drawn to this story because I once battled with ugly, loud, and persistent voices from within and outside. Each one chipping off my feathers and painting me blue, until one day, I got my plot twist. I will never forget that day. It was the day when the voices were the loudest, the burden the heaviest, and my groanings the deepest. It forced me to my knees. And it was in that posture, I met with the one who truly SETS FREE. 

You see, when the Scribes and Pharisees brought the woman to Jesus, they not only hoped to test and trap Jesus, they had also hoped their little show would compel Him into passing judgment on this woman. But oh, what a marvelous plot twist that followed y'all! 

The voices that drowned hers, the accusations that silenced her, the jeerings that humiliated, and the hands that sought to kill her, ALL led her to the feet of her saviour! Halleluyah!

When Jesus said to the woman in John 8: 11, 'neither do I condemn you', with those words, he broke the shackles of guilt and shame that bound her. He set her completely free. 
And when he said 'go and sin no more', he gave her a blank page to rewrite her story, this time, with him as the foundation. 

That is what makes this story so powerful to me. This captivating plot twist. In my head, I imagine this woman at her most vulnerable. Broken and bruised. Flung at the feet of Jesus. I see the enemies sneering and ready to pounce, waiting for the verdict. And then comes GRACE!

#ohhhhmmaaagasshhh! One moment as I do my praise dance. 

What is the devil accusing you of? What are those lies and thoughts he keeps whispering to you when you are at your most vulnerable? What do those voices say?
It doesn't matter what those voices say to you. You don't have to remain a victim to that voice. You don't have to believe and accept those lies, no matter how true they seem. Grace after all, is for the undeserving. 

If the woman caught in the act of adultery knew about grace, I bet her walk would have been different. 

''Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16

Dear friend, you are deeply loved. You have been redeemed and freed from the heavy chains of condemnation. The same grace extended to the woman in John 8:11 is extended to you as well, receive it, and be free today. 

Related Scriptures: Romans 8:1, Galations 5:1, Acts 15:11, 2 Corinthians 12:8-9, John 8 :36, Romans 5:20, Romans 3 :23-24, Ephesians 2:8-9, Titus 2:11, Romans 6:14, I John 2:1 and Romans 6 :1-2

Book suggestion: What Is So Amazing About Grace- Philip Yancey, All of Grace-Charles Spurgeon

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  1. Two things I have to say,, I think it's to recall.."grace after all is for the undeserving and let's come boldly to the throne of Grace". These lines summarized the story in that grace found her, just as she was, caught in the act, with 100% evidence but when she was brought to Jesus, I saw her enemies taking her to the throne of Grace and in the words of Joseph to his brothers "though you meant it for evil, God turned it to good". MayGod help us to be strong, may we not write off ourselves in the face of challenges because God is able. This story is highly inspiring thanks to the author. Daalu maka ibu dike. Chukwu gozie gi.

    1. Amen! Your comment is spot on! :) Thank you for stopping by. God bless you.

  2. This is beautiful. The devil doesn't want us to know what we have in Christ Jesus.

    1. Thank you! :) Indeed the devil wants us to remain in darkness, but thank God for the revelation of His word, we have dominion! Thank you for stopping by. God bless you!

  3. Nice piece ... More grace to do more ... You will go places , Amen !

  4. Amen! Thank you. God bless you :)
